Hannah leads our recruitment divisions in the Netherlands.
Hannah has over 14 years of recruitment experience across international markets and a range of disciplines.
Confidentiality, integrity and relationship building have been key for Hannah in successfully developing the Netherlands Finance & Accountancy recruitment market at EMEA Recruitment,
Hannah is also solution-orientated and seeks to understand problems to offer effective solutions. She enjoys making a difference in people’s lives, facilitating their career moves and championing aspirations.
As an accomplished recruiter, she has built a powerful international network and regularly receives strong testimonials and referrals from both candidates and clients.
Hannah is an advocate of networking events, having hosted in-person and virtual sessions in partnership with well-established companies such as PwC, Microsoft, Netflix, and Heineken.
Hannah’s interests include spending time with her two daughters, live music, travelling, watching films and walking.
Hannah leads our recruitment divisions in the Netherlands.
Hannah has over 14 years of recruitment experience across international markets and a range of disciplines.
Confidentiality, integrity and relationship building have been key for Hannah in successfully developing the Netherlands Finance & Accountancy recruitment market at EMEA Recruitment,
Hannah is also solution-orientated and seeks to understand problems to offer effective solutions. She enjoys making a difference in people’s lives, facilitating their career moves and championing aspirations.
As an accomplished recruiter, she has built a powerful international network and regularly receives strong testimonials and referrals from both candidates and clients.
Hannah is an advocate of networking events, having hosted in-person and virtual sessions in partnership with well-established companies such as PwC, Microsoft, Netflix, and Heineken.
Hannah’s interests include spending time with her two daughters, live music, travelling, watching films and walking.
After 16 years in a company, the decision to move for a new challenge was difficult and sometimes hectic with doubt, fear, and insecure feelings.
During this process, I was lucky to meet Hannah and her team. They spend time on active listening and feedback and draw a personal status of where you are in your career and what you are looking for in your next career move.
It can be a long process, but you will feel supported and encouraged by her regularly. Until the time Hannah calls you, describes the position and tells you: “I think this role is for you!” Then everything can accelerate.
Hannah walks you through the recruitment process, ensuring every step is understood, prepared, and all is in place (information, schedule, agenda). What could be a stressful moment becomes a real added-value conversation for everyone.
Hannah or her team would always stay available before and after each step of the recruitment process, ensuring everything goes smoothly for all parties involved. She always stays open mind with a supportive attitude.
Finally, this was a serious and solid partnership that supported me in my next career step and beyond. Thanks, Hannah!
How can working with us exclusively introduce you to the best talent in a candidate-led market? Over recent months, the Netherlands has seen an increase in hiring and, particularly at certain levels of experience, a decrease in applications to adv
Female leadership is probably one of the most talked about topics in multi-national businesses today. We are seeing in the market that companies, as part of growth plans, quote that they are looking to increase female leadership, but are falling shor
As we move into a candidate-led market, having one of the busiest summers we have seen, EMEA Recruitment would like to share some experiences on how to avoid losing top talent for your business. We recently conducted the following poll on LinkedIn
How can working with us exclusively introduce you to the best talent in a candidate-led market? Over recent months, the Netherlands has seen an increase in hiring and, particularly at certain levels of experience, a decrease in applications to adv
Female leadership is probably one of the most talked about topics in multi-national businesses today. We are seeing in the market that companies, as part of growth plans, quote that they are looking to increase female leadership, but are falling shor
As we move into a candidate-led market, having one of the busiest summers we have seen, EMEA Recruitment would like to share some experiences on how to avoid losing top talent for your business. We recently conducted the following poll on LinkedIn
How can working with us exclusively introduce you to the best talent in a candidate-led market? Over recent months, the Netherlands has seen an increase in hiring and, particularly at certain levels of experience, a decrease in applications to adv
Werden Sie Teil eines globalen Marktführers für Innovation und Sicherheit als \"Senior Business Development Representative“ (Deutschland).
Unser kunde, ein weltweit führender Hersteller innovativer zugangslösungen, hat kürzlich ein brandneues produkt auf den markt gebracht.
Für die expansion seiner kommerziellen Aktivitäten in Deutschland, mit fokus auf den bereich Facility Management, sucht er nun einen \"Senior Business Development Representative“.
Diese position kann remote von überall in Deutschland ausgeführt werden, erfordert jedoch eine reisetätigkeit von bis zu 90 %, um potenzielle neue kunden im gesamten land zu besuchen und produktdemonstrationen durchzuführen. Sie bringen eine unternehmerische denkweise sowie eigenantrieb mit, um ein neues produkt erfolgreich auf den markt zu bringen.
Hauptaufgaben des \"Senior Business Development Representative“
Idealerweise bringen sie mit
Unser Kunde bietet ein freundliches und dynamisches arbeitsumfeld mit einem unterstützenden team sowie entwicklungsmöglichkeiten, einschließlich der chance, mit der expansion des teams eine führungsrolle zu übernehmen.
EMEA Recruitment setzt sich für die förderung von chancengleichheit, vielfalt und inklusion am arbeitsplatz ein. Wir agieren als neutraler dritter im rekrutierungsprozess und basieren unsere kandidatensuche ausschließlich auf fähigkeiten und erfahrung. Wir diskriminieren nicht aufgrund von alter, geschlecht, sexueller Identität, beziehungsstatus, behinderung, ethnischer herkunft, religion/weltanschauung oder sexueller orientierung.
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