Romain Raimann - Senior Manager Corporate Audit - Baxter International Inc

10 March, 2016

As someone who is interested in sports in general, what can Switzerland offer?

Due to its topography, Switzerland offers a wide change of outdoor opportunities. As you may be aware, we have a lot of lakes, rivers, mountains, forests and open areas that are all easily accessible due to their proximity from our main cities and the excellent transportation system that this country offers. In addition, the seasonal weather increases the variety of options that are available to all outdoor fans. Last but not least, I haven’t heard anyone complaining about some of the amazing landscapes that are definitely worth exploring!

What advice would you give to someone looking to move here at the current time?

First of all to ensure that the company has a medium/long term plan in place to keep its presence in Switzerland. As all other countries do, we are subject to economic and political factors/decisions that may justify reconsidering the needs to set up/keep local operations. However, Switzerland has been and remains a very attractive place to do business and invest in due to its stability, safety, know-how and qualitative workforce which will always be favourable elements. I would also mention to assess if the Swiss lifestyle is something that matches the expectations of people coming from abroad – We have a very high quality of life but are quite different from our neighbour countries. Finally I would definitely recommend learning the local language which will be an asset for the rest of your life.

What is the best advice you have ever been given?

To make sure that you learn new skills or develop new ones every 6 months as part of your private and professional development and that you make a difference in your current role before moving too quickly to the next one. A career is something that should be built with patience and decisions should be taken considering the long run.

Who do you look at for sources of inspiration?

People and leaders that are able to balance their life (work life balance) and manage their time efficiently. By definition time is limited which makes it very precious. I always believed that we all beneficiate from being able to switch off from work regardless of how busy and how much responsibilities we have. With the development of technology and the endless increasing completion and pressure, we are all required to be more connected and flexible. Being able to add skills and perspective that come from our private life into our professional live is key. Similar to the previous question, this is something that will contribute to the long term success and stability.   

As someone who has lived in both the French & German speaking regions of Switzerland, what would you highlight as the main differences of the regions?

First of all the language…even if pretty much everybody speaks English in Switzerland! The mentality is also very different but this is not only dependent of the speaking region that you are in but if you live in a city or in the country side. In general, German speaking people seem to be more conservative. People’s habits are also different but this difference trends to decrease due to the fact that our main cities have a lot of expatiates. They both offer multiple job opportunities and a wide range of outdoor activities.


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