Giulio Campanella - Associate Director, Duracell Regional CFO Europe and IMEA - P&G

03 December, 2015

You have clearly had a long and successful career within P&G since 1999.  Why is P&G such a good place to work?

P&G is a great place to work, indeed. The first stunning experience is the quality of the people. It’s excellent! And what unites those brilliant people is their passion for winning infused by a very strong ethic and value driven business approach.

As you spend much of your time in Geneva, what do you like about Switzerland?

The people, their balanced culture and the proximity to the most magnificent landscape. I like the easy access to nature and outdoor sport in general. 

You have recently been leading the re-structuring of the Duracell business.  What were the main challenges and successes for you during this project?

Duracell today is a division of P&G, and will become a fully independent, stand-alone entity owned by Berkshire Hathaway. For me, the biggest challenge was to (re)create the F&A Team, from a small regional HQ team to an end to end Finance function leading the region. This team will have a critical complement skillset, balance technical hard core F&A skills with start-up spirit and passion to succeed with this project.

As a senior finance leader who inspires people, who do you look to for sources of inspiration?

The biggest source of inspiration for me is having a purpose, in business like in life, and putting every action in the context of this purpose. My purpose is ” improving everyone’s life”?, and my way of doing that is by selling products which perform better and truly improve people’s life. As well, by being more performing, you end up using less resources and therefore produces less waste. In my experience, it is important for each employee to feel what they are doing goes beyond business titles and a pay check at the end of the month.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?

Stay true to yourself. Every person is

different, and the best way to succeed is to find what is the unique thing one can add, and playing to one’s strengths.

Finally, with the Christmas period fast approaching, what are your plans for the festive period?

 I will enjoy spending the time with my family, that’s my lovely wife my great 3 year old boy and my only recently new born baby girl. Being with them will allow me to recharge my batteries and looks towards a very successful 2016 with Duracell.


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