Daniela Martin - Head of HR - Evraz

11 March, 2015

What do you love about Switzerland and why?

Its structure, location, security, humbleness

Despite the fact that Switzerland is one of the 5 most desired countries to live in in the world, its humbleness always surprises me. At the point of where I am in my life and career, I truly enjoy the clarity which is the result of this country’s clear structure and rules. It gives me and my family a great feeling of security, which in today’s world we live in has become a very important word.

What advice would you offer to someone moving to Switzerland?

I`d like to highlight that this is coming from a person who is an expat myself: my recommendation to someone moving to Switzerland is to be culturally aware, do your homework and prepare well – meaning to be informed about Switzerland 's cultural values, the mentality of Swiss people, the working culture, language -  to which extend possible. To be open to understand what makes Switzerland so Swiss! It will make the transition and adaptation in this country less challenging, plus it may open the door to numerous opportunities.

What excites you about working for Evraz?

The international environment and dynamic working culture, plenty of opportunities for me to learn and grow professionally as well as a person.

Being a sparring partner is a pre requisite for and HR/Finance Division – what do you feel makes an effective sparring partner?

Ensuring mutual understanding of common goals and needs from both sides. Being professional and competent in your own area of work, to be able to communicate your views and add important factors to influence management decisions.

What would you say is the most rewarding part of your role?

The most rewarding part of my role I would say is recognizing that people rely on me as their trusting partner.

What recruitment challenges do you face?

Time - no enough time to recruite for a certain role,which takes away on the quality of selection process; not enough candidates available at the right time, with the right profile

What attributes do you look for when choosing a recruitment partner?

Someone willing to take time to understand the needs or requirements for the role, the fine details beyond the job description. Thorough pre-selection of the candidates and close contact throughout the recruitment process.

What would be your advice to someone aspiring to be where you are now?

Believe in yourself, always try to be excellent in whatever you do. Work hard, but nurture your personality and character along the way, because that is what makes you stand out. 


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