How to Get A Career You Love and Negotiate the Heck Out of It- Wies Bratby

12 June, 2020

In May, we welcomed Wies Bratby to the EMEA Podcast with our founder, Paul Toms. In the podcast, Wies outlined how it is her life mission to help women negotiate their worth, and gave an overview of her current programme, Women In Negotiation (WIN).

Wies’ longterm passion for negotiation led her to begin her career as a lawyer in the Netherlands, before moving on to become a HR Director, setting up human resources across the globe.

Upon moving to Switzerland, Wies recognised that women around the world were struggling to find their dream jobs and negotiate fitting salaries for their hard work.

As a result, she launched WIN, which helps women across the world realise their worth, communicate it and get them the positions and salaries they want. WIN is consistently successful, with an average salary increase of 49.1% for promotions or new roles.

Following on from the inspirational podcast, on Friday, 5th June, EMEA once again partnered with Wies to host her ‘How to Get A Career You Love and Negotiate the Heck Out of It’ webinar session with a multitude of women from our Swiss network. 

In the webinar, Wies shared tips and insights into how our guests could transform their careers by finding their dream ‘unicorn’ job and negotiating a salary which truly reflects their hard work.

Primarily, the workshop explained in depth 5 key pieces of advice that any woman should take on board in order to find a job that they truly love:

  • View the current pandemic crisis as an opportunity
  • Raise your expectations
  • Being a woman is an advantage
  • Don’t focus on getting the job
  • Invest in training

EMEA Recruitment would like to place on record our thanks to Wies Bratby for hosting a fantastic, empowering workshop, and if you’re interested in finding out more about how Women In Negotiation can help you, follow this link.

If you have any ideas of further virtual workshops or events youd like to see us run in future, dont hesitate to contact Paul or any of our consultants through our Meet The Team page.

Want to read more content relating to women in the workplace?

In early March, we posted a series of posts celebrating International Women’s Day 2020. These included a summary of the events and activities EMEA have carried out to support women’s equality and a roundtable discussion between our Managing Director, Richard Bailey, and 3 of our senior consultants, who shared their experiences regarding attitudes towards women in the workplace.